PLB Comics is an independent group of artists and writers based on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with contributing artists and writers all over the world. PLB Comics offers original concepts and fresh perspectives on the world of Sequential Art, while maintaining an appreciation of mainstream classics.
PLB Comics produces professional quality comic books and commissioned works utilizing the most talented writers and artists in the indie comics scene. The PLB Comics team combines elements of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, horror and Drama to create exciting comic books that appeal to a broad audience while always keeping a flair for originality and innovation.
With five titles in print, and more in production, PLB shows that it has more staying power than most independent comic book creators, who in many cases never make it past the first issue. This is directly related to the team's quality, eye for visual detail, literary writing style, and tireless work ethic. Perhaps another reason for the team's success is their riveting and distinctive characters. It is the fantastical, while relatable nature of these unique characters that keep readers coming back, anxiously awaiting the next issue.
In 1987 Billy Idol played on the radio, movies such as Lethal Weapon were king at the box office, and brothers Josh and Mathew Shockley were tearing up the independent comic scene... at their elementary school. Writing, drawing, and producing their own comics with nothing more than #2 pencils, paper, an old copier, and a desire to bring their own stories to the page, the brothers Shockley would set the stage for a passion that would burn in them for the rest of their lives.
Flash forward to 2006; the Shockley's along with a group of talented contributors create their very first professionally produced comic book in PLB Presents #1. Since then they have been joined by editor James Dufendach and a bevy of talented independent creators to produce sixteen issues, with titles such as The Fall, Gideon & Sebastian, The PLB Halloween Special, and Jellyman & Toast. Showing no signs of slowing the PLB team continues to produce comics that run the gamut of action, horror, comedy, romance and beyond.